Populated areas are often exposed to geohazards, including landslides, rockfall, debris flows, flooding, erosion, and snow avalanche. Evaluating the risks associated with these events with respect to proposed development requires sound knowledge of geological and engineering principles, air photo interpretation, remote sensing techniques and application of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods.

  • Geohazard and geotechnical feasibility studies for route planning and selection;
  • Geohazard and geotechnical analysis for mine sites;
  • Geohazard and geotechnical analysis for energy projects;
  • Landslide hazard and risk analysis / mitigation for terrain stability assessments;
  • Hydro-geomorphic and hydrotechnical assessments (i.e. debris flow/flood, flood);
  • Liquefaction assessments;
  • Emergency landslide assessment and stabilization;
  • Slope stabilization for soil and rock;
  • Geotechnical and geological subsurface investigations;
  • Construction engineering and supervision;
  • Forensic landslide investigation;
  • Post-wildfire hazard (slope and hydrologic) and risk analysis;
  • Standards and guideline development;
  • Expert witness testimony.

Westrek’s team of professional Engineers and Geoscientists is dedicated to providing geotechnical services in order to meet client’s project needs. We provide solutions to project challenges ranging from terrain evaluation and site investigation to slope stability analysis and foundation design, developing value-based solutions using a common-sense, risk-based approach to meet regulatory, safety and environmental approval standards. In addition, we are well practiced in providing sound risk management recommendations that optimize safe conditions and allow for economic growth.

Our professionals were involved in the development and review of APEGBC professional practice guidelines in the fields of landslide and terrain stability assessment. They have authored numerous technical papers and developed the risk assessment methodology for post-wildfire flooding and landslides for the BC Ministry of Forests.

Westrek has experience in all geotechnical phases of design and construction and we are able to provide assistance through each step of a project, from site selection and conceptual design, through final design and construction. Services provided include:

  • Shallow and deep foundation design;
  • Lateral pile and WEAP analysis;
  • Retaining wall design (Mechanically Stabilized Earth and Geosynthetic Reinforced Segmental);
  • Settlement analysis and pre-load design;
  • Forensic investigations for structures;
  • Site development for various projects;
  • Construction engineering and supervision;
  • Pavement structure design.

Westrek has a multi-disciplinary team of experienced engineers, geoscientists, hydrologists, and GIS analysts to provide timely and cost-effective hydrologic solutions for our clients. Our established connections make us lead contacts for various industrial clients in the power and transmission, forestry, mining, land development, and agricultural sectors, as well as all levels of government (federal, provincial, First Nations, regional, and municipal). We also provide services directly to private landowners and subcontract our specialist expertise to larger consulting firms when requested.

  • Drainage conditions assessments for subdivisions and roads;
  • Watershed (basin) analysis.

At Westrek Geotechnical Services Ltd. we offer comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Leveraging advanced technology and a team of experienced GIS professionals, we provide innovative solutions that empower decision-making, enhance efficiency, and drive success.

Our GIS Services

  • Spatial Data Analysis and Modeling: Utilizing cutting-edge GIS software and techniques, we conduct in-depth spatial analysis and modeling to extract valuable insights from geographic data. Whether it’s identifying trends, patterns, or relationships, our team can help you make informed decisions based on spatial data.
  • Custom GIS Application Development: We specialize in developing custom GIS applications tailored to your specific requirements. From interactive mapping tools to complex spatial databases, we can design and implement solutions that streamline your workflows and address your unique challenges.
  • Geospatial Database Management: Managing geospatial data effectively is essential for any organization. Our expertise in geospatial database management ensures that your data is organized, accessible, and optimized for analysis and decision-making.
  • Remote Sensing and Image Analysis: We offer remote sensing and image analysis services to extract meaningful information from satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and other remotely sensed data sources. Whether it’s monitoring environmental changes or assessing land use patterns, we have the tools and expertise to deliver accurate results.
  • GIS Training and Consultation: Empower your team with the knowledge and skills they need to harness the power of GIS technology. We provide comprehensive training programs and expert consultation services to help you maximize the value of your GIS investments.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the field of geospatial technology, our team brings a wealth of expertise to every project we undertake.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that every project is unique. That’s why we take a customized approach to ensure that our GIS solutions align with your specific objectives and requirements.
  • Commitment to Quality: We are committed to delivering high-quality GIS services that meet the highest standards of accuracy, reliability, and efficiency.

Let’s Get Started

Whether you’re looking to analyze spatial data, develop custom GIS applications, or enhance your geospatial capabilities, Westrek is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our GIS services and how we can support your projects and initiatives.

At Westrek Geotechnical Services Ltd. we offer cutting-edge drones and photogrammetry services that enable precise, efficient, and cost-effective data collection and analysis. With state-of-the-art LiDAR cameras and Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) units, we deliver high-quality data and actionable insights for a wide range of applications.

Our Services

  • Aerial LiDAR Surveying: Our advanced LiDAR-equipped drones allow for rapid and accurate 3D mapping of terrain, infrastructure, and vegetation. Whether it’s for topographic mapping, volume calculations, or asset inventory, we provide detailed and precise LiDAR surveying solutions tailored to your project needs.
  • High-Resolution Photogrammetry: Utilizing high-resolution cameras mounted on our drones, we capture detailed aerial imagery with unmatched clarity and accuracy. Our photogrammetry services enable the creation of highly detailed 3D models, orthomosaics, and digital surface models (DSMs) for various applications, including land development, environmental monitoring, and infrastructure inspection.
  • Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Positioning: With RTK-enabled drones, we achieve centimeter-level accuracy in positioning data, ensuring precise georeferencing of aerial imagery and LiDAR point clouds. This level of accuracy is crucial for applications such as surveying, mapping, and construction site monitoring, where precision is paramount.
  • Data Processing and Analysis: Our team of GIS and remote sensing experts specializes in processing and analyzing data collected from drones and LiDAR sensors. From point cloud classification and feature extraction to volumetric analysis and change detection, we provide valuable insights and actionable information to support your decision-making process.
  • Custom Data Deliverables: We understand that each project has unique requirements. That’s why we offer custom data deliverables tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Whether it’s GIS-compatible datasets, 3D models, or interactive web-based visualizations, we deliver the data in formats that are easy to integrate and utilize.

Why Choose Us?

  • Industry-Leading Technology: We invest in the latest drone technology, including LiDAR cameras and RTK units, to ensure the highest quality data and results for our clients.
  • Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the geospatial industry, our team has the knowledge and skills to handle projects of any scale or complexity.
  • Commitment to Quality: We are dedicated to delivering accurate, reliable, and actionable data that meets the highest standards of quality and precision.

Get in Touch

Ready to elevate your projects with our drones and photogrammetry services? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals through innovative aerial data solutions.

At Westrek Geotechnical Ltd. we specialize in advanced Remote Data Monitoring Systems designed to provide real-time insights and alerts for critical decision-making in various industries. Our systems incorporate cutting-edge technology and telemetry solutions to collect, analyze, and deliver data from the field directly to our clients, ensuring timely and informed actions.

Our Services

  • Automated Data Collection: Our Remote Data Monitoring Systems utilize state-of-the-art field components, such as weather stations and environmental sensors, to automatically collect data in real time. Whether it’s monitoring rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind speed, or other parameters, our systems ensure accurate and reliable data collection, even in remote locations.
  • Telemetry and Data Transmission: Through advanced telemetry technologies, we enable seamless communication between the field components and our centralized data management system. This allows for real-time transmission of data, ensuring that our clients have access to up-to-date information at all times, regardless of their location.
  • Real-Time Analysis and Notifications: Our systems are equipped with sophisticated algorithms and analysis tools that process incoming data in real time. By continuously monitoring environmental conditions, we can detect potential risks and triggers, such as wet weather conditions or fire weather danger, and automatically generate alerts and notifications via email or web-based dashboards.
  • Customized Dashboards and User Interfaces: We understand that each client has unique needs and preferences when it comes to data visualization and user interfaces. That’s why we offer customizable web-based dashboards and other user interfaces that provide intuitive access to real-time data, customized alerts, historical trends, and other relevant information.


  • Wet Weather Site Shutdowns: Our Remote Data Monitoring Systems help clients mitigate risks associated with wet weather conditions by providing real-time monitoring of rainfall levels and triggering automated site shutdowns when predetermined thresholds are exceeded.
  • Fire Weather Danger Computations: We assist clients in assessing fire weather danger by monitoring critical environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and fuel moisture content. Our systems provide timely alerts and computations to help mitigate the risk of wildfires and ensure the safety of personnel and assets.

Why Choose Us?

  • Proven Track Record: Our Remote Data Monitoring Systems have been deployed in various industries and environments, delivering reliable and actionable data for informed decision-making.
  • Customized Solutions: We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and tailor our solutions accordingly, ensuring maximum effectiveness and value.
  • Responsive Support: Our dedicated team provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that our systems perform optimally and meet the evolving needs of our clients.

Get in Touch

Ready to enhance your risk management strategies with our Remote Data Monitoring Systems? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you stay informed and prepared with real-time data and insights.